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Workouts for treadmill


Endlessly the same workouts on a treadmill is boring. It is, therefore, important to alternate between different exercises. From time to time, opt for interval training, endurance training, or hill training. Which training schedules are right for you depends on your goals. Do you want to build up fitness, or are you looking for a schedule to lose weight and burn fat? Below you will find 3 training schedules for the treadmill.

1. Interval training: alternating high and low tempo

Interval training on a treadmill means that you alternate high intensity with lower intensity. During such an interval training you train shorter, but more intensively. The training ensures a better condition but is also suitable if you want to lose weight. Are you training for a match? With interval training, you also provide that you start running faster. Below you will find interval training for the treadmill.

Interval training on the treadmill:

  • Warming up: walk at 7 kilometers per hour for 10 minutes.
  • High intensity: set the speed at 11 kilometers per hour and run for 60 seconds.
  • Low intensity: reduce the speed to 7 kilometers per hour and jog for 60 seconds.
  • Set the speed at 12 kilometers per hour and run for 60 seconds. Each block goes 1 kilometer faster.
  • Can’t you keep it up? Please return it to the first speed and repeat everything for 30 seconds.
  • Cooling down: Cooling down: 10 minutes per hour at 7 kilometers per hour.

Increasing Interval Training on a Treadmill:

Does training become very easy after a while? You can quickly increase the exercise by applying one of the following steps:

  • Shorten your resting time from 60 to 30 seconds.
  • Go fast for another 30 seconds for a third round.
  • Do the 2nd round for 60 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
  • Raise the slope 2%.

2. Endurance training: walking long distances

With endurance training, you walk a long distance. To keep this up, you don’t run at a high pace. A good check is that it should still be possible to talk during training. This training is suitable when you want to improve your fitness or increase your distance. Because you run at a slow pace, you burn a lot of calories. This makes it a right choice if you want to lose weight.

Endurance training on a treadmill:

  • Warming up: walk at 7 kilometers per hour for 10 minutes.
  • Set the speed of the treadmill at a comfortable pace around 9 to 10 kilometers per hour. Maintain this pace for 45 minutes.
  • Cooling down: walk for 10 minutes at 7 kilometers per hour.

Strengthening endurance training on a treadmill:

Does training become very easy after a while? You can easily increase the exercise by applying one of the following steps:

  • Make your workout longer, and try to run for 60 minutes.
  • Raise the slope 2%.
  • Increase your speed by 1 kilometer per hour.

3. Hill training: walk up a steep slope

You can easily increase a workout on the treadmill by raising the incline. When you change a lot with the slope, you call this a hill training. During a hill workout, you put the leg and buttocks muscles to work. This training is suitable when you want to lose weight. This is also a nice challenge when you are trail running, or walking hills is difficult.

Hill training on a treadmill:

  • Warming up: walk at 7 kilometers per hour for 10 minutes.
  • Set the incline at 8% and the speed at 8 kilometers per hour for 60 seconds.
  • Set the incline to 5% and walk at 4 kilometers per hour for 30 seconds.
  • Do a total of 5 of these rounds.
  • Cooling down: walk for 10 minutes at 7 kilometers per hour.

Increasing Hill Workout on a Treadmill:

Does training become very easy after a while? You can quickly increase the exercise by applying one of the following steps:

  • Increase the speed on the incline while running.
  • Expand the schedule to 10 rounds in the end.
  • Increase the slope too, for example, 10%