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The best treadmills for home

the best treadmills for home

As often happens in the home fitness world, the treadmills sector is best in products, and it is not always easy to find your way around. Mainly because there are people who, for their home gym, prefer to choose less expensive and less performing models. If instead, you intend to find a very high-quality family product, because you have the desire to train seriously, then in this guide you will find all the information you need

What they are and how they work?

  • The treadmills are the tools, fitness and cardio workout, now ubiquitous and used. In short, we will try to explain the benefits of the treadmill and how to perform targeted and appropriate exercises, depending on the level of physical fitness you have.
  • We will try to provide advice for a choice, among the vast range on the market, of the treadmill, and for how to face pleasant and effective workouts in complete safety.
  • After the choice, nothing will stop you from training as and when you want, not even bad weather or cold and not even the heat and excessive heat. Even doctors confirm that the constant use of the treadmill helps to burn more fat and calories, even better than running on the road as, since there is no wind, the same effort burns more.
  • The professional treadmills allow the simulation of various terrains, and to equal an outdoor run just set a slope of the carpet on 1 or 2%, naturally increasing the speed, the hill, and the distance traveled, always according to the physical conditions of the user, you increase physical effort and therefore the expenditure of calories.
  • The professional treadmills allow you to walk or run at various levels and involve the different muscle bundles of the buttocks and legs, which, to be better toned, require a medium-low speed training and a reasonably sensitive slope. In this way, the working time, placing the feet on the mat, increases and simultaneously increases muscle contractions and blood circulation.
  • Speaking of the latter, cardio workouts improve the heart and circulation efficiency, as the exercises proceed, you will realize that you have more excellent resistance to efforts and perceive physical fatigue much less. In addition to the heart and circulation, training with the treadmill prevents injuries to the joints, as it maintains elasticity even during the body’s aging phase.
  • The professional treadmills offer different programs, both preset and customizable, so that the user can always choose the speed, the workload, or work on the beat frequency. The programs meet all needs, from reducing body weight to preparing for running races.

How to choose the best treadmill for our needs?

  • Some various brands and models differ in the functions present, the power of the engine, and the multiple apps on the market. – or Bluetooth and MP3 connections -.
  • The treadmill for those who love design and performance is made with innovative materials and proper equipment. Usually, the materials are aluminum, glass, and soft-touch plastics that do not clash in the home area prepared for fitness.
  • These models are not just designed, they have powerful engines, they are silent, and they adapt without problems to any training and effort required, from simple walking to walking in the mountains with slopes up to 15% up to the high-speed run intensity. Usually, these models have a large walkable and cushioned surface for greater comfort in performing the exercises.
  • The professional treadmill for those who prefer technology and entertainment is the one that combines different souls: from powerful and silent motors, which allow you to reach 20 km per hour of speed, to the abundant sizes of running carpets with not too large dimensions and sometimes they are resealable. They also have several preset programs and customizable, they are equipped with a Bluetooth connection, which through the Apps connect to the tablet or smartphone for downloading programs or storing data and finally the MP3 link for choosing and listening to your favorite music. The final advice for choosing is to use common sense, choose known brands and models, and never before having seen the technical characteristics and the various reviews, always wary of super offers and bargain prices.


  • Ease of use
  • Speed ​​and tilt control
  • Applications, accessories, and connections

The professional treadmill, positioned between the home walls, favors its use as there is no need to worry about fixed times from gyms to train or move from and to. Furthermore, the climate has no influence.

The variation of inclination and speed is essential to graduate resistance and effort and to calibrate workouts according to the user’s physical fitness.
In the professional treadmills, there are wi-fi connections, Bluetooth for connection to smartphones and tablets, applications that allow the download of personalized programs and the storage of the sessions carried out, and finally, the MP3 link for listening to favorite music compilations.


  • Weight
  • Air resistance and thermoregulation
  • Excessive elasticity

In addition to the many advantages, the professional treadmills have the defect of the weight due to the electric motor and the generous dimensions of the running surface. Some models minimize the inconvenience with the wheels’ help for movement and the reduction of the sizes by folding back on themselves.

Running in a closed environment, without the help of the external breeze, the body temperature increases and slightly overloads the thermoregulation mechanism, accentuated by clothing that is, most of the time, unsuitable and excessively heavy.

A disadvantage of the treadmill is the excellent elasticity of the running surface, which could cause tendon or muscle damage as well as stagger outdoor workouts with terrains that do not have these characteristics.
