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Exercise bikes

Exercise bikes for loss weight

It is one of those inventions, the chamber exercise bikes, of which many are grateful for not having the time to go to the gym. Especially in winter, when it’s raining or cold outside, and the desire to do a run does not attack us, we can still do some pedaling on our exercise bike.

If going to the gym is too high a waste of time, then the chamber bike becomes an essential tool to carve out just the time needed to lose some weight.

What are the exercise bikes models?

On the market, we find many types of exercise bikes. The first that comes to mind is the chamber bike, also called vertical exercise bike. These resemble a standard bike, with the vertical frame precisely.

Still, they are not the only ones, we also have the horizontal exercise bikes (with backrest), which allow you to have a more comfortable posture, offering the seat and the backrest, the frame develops in smooth, the pedals are placed not under the athlete as in traditional bikes, but in front and have an adjustable and wide seat.

The latter is particularly suitable for athletes who suffer from lower back pain since they facilitate correct posture and do not keep the painful area in tension.

Then we have the Spin Bikes, equipped with an ultra-robust frame, cage pedals (those in practice with the block for the feet) and the automatic handlebar, as well as the usual possibility to adjust the height of the seat, which in this case it resembles in all respects that of standard racing bikes.

Other features include the rotating flywheel, the anatomical handlebar, and the micrometric resistance. The spinning bike is a stationary bike capable of correctly simulating a road bike with its pedaling, it is usually indicated for intense aerobic training sessions.

Type ofthe exercise bikes

These differ from exercise bikes in the braking system, which can be of two types, electromagnetic and magnetic.

  • This is a very important factor and not to be overlooked, especially if it is the first time that you decide to buy one. In the exercise, the braking system is regulated by the on-board computer of the bike, giving more precise resistance and a very silent pedaling.
  • While in the magnetic exercise bike, we have a flywheel that is slowed down, thanks to in-line magnets. The slowdown, in this case, is regular but less precise, and the braking is rather silent.

Benefits of exercise bikes

The best exercise bikes the varied world of home fitness, home are the only tools with numerous benefits and no contraindications. To get the most out of it, you need to follow some precise indications.

First of all, it is essential to maintain the right posture.

If you use the exercise bike regularly, maintaining the correct posture, adjusting the height of the handlebar and the seat according to your needs, is very important. One of the main advantages of using exercise bikes compared to free body gymnastics is the complete elimination of contact with the ground; in this way, you can avoid microtraumas in the back, ankles, or knees.

Modern exercise bikes are so efficient as to widen the involvement of the muscles that are trained, even some, thanks to the presence of the rowing machine, allow you to also exert pressure on the forearms. Among the main benefits, it must be remembered that thanks to the use of the exercise bike, our body can become toned and lose weight, disposing of calories, but only following a regular diet. Even if you pedal quietly, you relieve tension and stretch your joints. Thanks to the constant use of the exercise bike, microcirculation is also greatly improved. This helps decrease cellulite, especially in female bodies.

In addition to cellulite, the exercise bike is also useful for reducing fat mass and significantly shaping the body, increasing its tone. By bringing benefits to muscle relaxation, motor skills are improved by also accelerating blood circulation. Ultimately, we can say that the use of an exercise bike contains all the benefits that can only be obtained thanks to an intense aerobic workout, bringing improvements to the cardio-circulatory system and the skeletal muscle system, thus improving the general health of our body and decreasing the stress accumulated during the day.

The best exercise bikes

As previously mentioned, there are many different models of exercise bikes on the market. Obviously, everyone has favorite models over others. For example, I am an admirer of vertical exercise bikes, but there are many people who, for physical needs or any other reason, prefer horizontal models, for a more comfortable and relaxed posture. Below I offer you my personal ranking, which helped me in choosing the exercise bike which I then took home.

How the exercise bike is made?

An exercise bike is made up of several pieces that it is useful to know if you want to choose the model that best suits your needs, this information is useful and all shown below:

  • Frame: it can be both horizontal and vertical, more or less large and it facilitates the ascent;
  • Saddle: it can be adjusted in height, depending on the height of the user who uses the exercise bike, it must be adjusted to maintain correct posture;
  • Flywheel: the weight of this instrument can determine the fluidity of the movement;
  • Resistance: as mentioned above, it can be of two types, magnetic and electromagnetic, it brakes the flywheel according to the chosen level;
  • Pedals: they can be ballasted or not, with lock for shoes to keep a firm and secure grip;
  • Stabilizer feet: to improve stability on the exercise bike there are these stabilizer feet that compensate for movement;
  • Tactile sensors: usually these are positioned inside the handlebar, during training they can measure your heart rate;
  • On-board computer: with the onboard console you can select training programs. With them, you can use specific programs to regulate effort, know the speed or calories burned.